How to help evangelize the world using the Internet


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Demo site


Right now, when searching souls go to the Internet, they are bombarded by false doctrine. It is time for the Church of Christ to stand up and be heard. It is time for the true message of the cross to go forth and be heard by all people everywhere. You can contribute to this effort by hosting your own website. Cost is only $6.95 per month for web hosting and $8.75 a year for your domain name—a small pittance to get the gospel out. If you do not know how to build your own website, you may use this one (click here to see an example of what it will look like)


How to get started:

1.)   Check domain name availability (For example:

2.)   Select length of your registration

3.)   Purchase domain name

4.)   Purchase monthly hosting plan (you only need Jr. Hosting for $6.95)


Once you have completed the purchase process, send an email here, and include your username, and password you used in setting up your account, along with the URL (URL=website address, i.e. to facilitate uploading your site to the internet. You will then be contacted via email once your site has been successfully uploaded to verify accuracy and make any necessary corrections. Once that is accomplished, you may return to your account management screen and reset your password to a new one if desired.                



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